International Women's Day and What it Means to Me

Equality for women has always been a passion of mine. When I was growing up it always bothered me that men had the opportunity to make more money doing the same exact jobs. I would ask myself, why? Why would men make more money than women when men and women are equally as intelligent.  In my early teens I remember lying in bed saying to myself when I grow up I am going to challenge a system that provides special treatment for one group over another. A lot of responses I got were well that’s just the way it is. That exact response is what empowers me everyday to advocate for women’s rights and really try to close the gender equality gap.

Humans are humans. Man or Woman are no better than one another. We both play our roles in society and without each other we both could not exist. We are all one and once we begin to understand that we coexist for a reason, then is when inequality can end.  We as humans are all powerful in the gifts we are given. No one should feel entitled to sexually harass or assault another in or outside the workplace. #metoo is a comglamerate of tragic events that should never even existed.

Today is a special day in history. Since 1909 we have been celebrating this day and have seen gender equality improve greatly, but there is much more work to be done. We must continue to encourage, inspire, and empower everyone around us to champion for gender parity. Even one small gesture whether today or a few days from now can go a long way. Making a positive impact on one person is like impacting thousands of others because our energy moves fluidly from one to another.

Happy International Women’s day. #PressForProgess #IWD2018
